Hey, remember me?
You might say I’ve been having a certain blockage of the writing-about-fishing-and-critter-hunting kind. It’s not that I’ve been bored with it, didn’t have anything to say, or that I did not want to write… It was simply that the blank page simply got the upper hand. Which, when you think about it, is a lot like fishing and not fishing…
A lot of cruisers and boat folks get gear and fish a bit. Sadly a large percentage tend to quit as they cross the line from not catching to not fishing at all… So many old unused gnarly fishing rods dying a slow death by UV simply a sign of lost dreams.
Where writing is concerned you simply have to write and I’m pretty sure that talent, great ideas, or a good turn of phrase are not nearly as important as simply getting down to it and writing.
So, earlier this week, I bought a new rod and reel (I’m waiting for it to make it’s way down as we speak) which I’ll be using to illustrate some ideas I have for the blog and (hopefully) catching a few fish in the process…
Kind of the point, isn’t it?