catch and release…

An important part of sustainable fishing is to only fish for your current needs and use safe catch and release practices for the fish you don’t need. For those unacquainted with catch and release here’s a great article that should cover the needful.

For instance, here in the Caribbean, I won’t eat barracuda and most reef fish but often find that the fish on the line is on my don’t eat list and will need to be released once brought to the boat. As landing said fish can cause severe damage, one needs to be prepared to get the fish safely back in the water. Now, while I won’t eat barracuda, they are still an important link in the local ecology so it’s important to do as much as possible to insure the fish’s safe return to the water.

That being the case, we’re talking no gaffs and/or selfies for catch and release.

More on the subject later…

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