
No such thing as a scrap piece of teak…

Doing some boat projects on “So It Goes” has left me with some old teak chain plate backing pads that are no longer needed. What to do? I kinda like the thought of doing a bunch of teak lures…

Mahi Mahi…

This weekend coming back from shopping we noticed as we were leaving the dinghy dock a big fish swimming under one of the docks… Big fish here are pretty common as we have a hellacious number of real big Tarpon who hang out near the docks waiting for the sports-fisherman to clean their catch and …

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Need new flies…

Speaking of new fly patterns… I really should get into some serious fly tying but with all the other various projects on the boat that will have to wait for a bit. Kind of a bummer really as I have some ideas about Tarpon flies that I’d love to try on the local tarpon population. …

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Seriously sweet…

For me the whole secret of tying flies on a boat in somewhat limited space is organization. Regal in my view has always built some of the best fly tying vises anywhere so hardly a surprise that when the do a travel kit it rocks!

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