speaking of pole-spears…
Gat Ku has an excellent video on rigging your pole-spear for bigger fish using their slip tip (it’s what I use)…
Gat Ku has an excellent video on rigging your pole-spear for bigger fish using their slip tip (it’s what I use)…
Someone recently asked me about the Shaka breakdown carbon polespear from JBL Spearguns… To tell you the truth it does look kind of sweet, it’s well made, and it certainly packs down to a very stowable size. Carbon certainly has the advantage of a kiss more speed in delivering the business end to the intended …
Dustin from Gat-Ku shows their new take on rigging a pole-spear for blue water hunting…
In general, I’m not a big fan of the three prong paralyzer heads for the spearfishing I do… That said, with Lion Fish, the Paralyzer tip makes all kinds of sense and I have been seriously considering adding a cheap fiberglass pole-spear to my quiver as the cost of a paralyzer tip for my current …