Worth a listen
A podcast you might find interesting…
A podcast you might find interesting…
Fin + Forage has an excellent article and video on how to build a simple, inexpensive, and practical dive board. Here’s the video…
Neptonics, one of my favorite places to acquire spearfishing gear, has just added a great feature to their website in the guise of the Neptonics Spearfishing Academy. It’s good. Seriously, it contains just about everything someone getting into spearfishing needs to know in an excellently arranged and understandable manner. My only issue is that I …
As room on a sailboat is always at a premium I tend to only use three piece spears because they’re easier to stow in my cockpit locker or dinghy. As it happens GATKU has a new spear that really caught my attention… The Eight’er 3pc is made up of three 30-inch sections and compatible with …
Here’s something you may want to add to your quiver… What the hell is it you might be asking? The eSpear is an electrical shark deterrent. Better yet it won’t hurt you or the shark. Neptonics has all of the needful info…
Dustin McIntyre owner/operator of Gatku & Crist Spears with an excellent three-part podcast by Cast &Spear on the subject of pole-spears. Need I say more?
Check it out.
Every once in awhile I’ll get an email asking what sort pole-spear to get now that one I used to suggest is no longer being made. The short answer is, I’ve been giving it some thought… Part of the problem is that, for one reason or another, pole-spears have got somewhat expensive of late. Seriously, …
A roller sling! Built by Headhunter and designed by the same guy who designed the Guerrilla Sling (a longtime favorite of mine) so they had my full attention at the word “roller”. Headhunter calls it the Sea Slinger. Better yet, it is actually less expensive than the Guerilla sling so well worth checking out.
Neptonics (the folks I always go to whenever I need bespoke spearfishing gear) have a sale you might be interested in… Nuff said.