Bluewater pole spear…
Gatku with some how to.
Gatku with some how to.
Check it out over at Mako.
Gatku lays it all out…
I’ve not been fishing much of late. Which is the downside of being in a place where ciguatera is a far too common fact of life. It also accounts for the lack of posts… That said, being that, in the not too distant future, I will be sailing in places where ciguatera is much less …
Why I just may be building in a gun rack aboard in the not too distant future… Read More »
Neptonics has something you might want to check out.
… to up your spearfishing game. Get the right fins. Really. Fins designed for general snorkeling or scuba diving are ill suited for serious free diving or spearfishing at all. Sadly you see a lot of cruisers flail about trying to spearfish with the wrong fins and the operative word in this sentence is… T-R-Y-I-N-G. …
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