I so need a new reel…
The 7/8 Diesel fly reel from Red Truck just happens to be top on my list for all-around fly fishing mayhem…
The 7/8 Diesel fly reel from Red Truck just happens to be top on my list for all-around fly fishing mayhem…
I mentioned a while back that I was thinking of buying a cheap short pole spear with a paralyzer tip to use as a dedicated Lion Fish tool… Thing is, while waiting for my new spear to come in, I have been working on a design that is a bit scaled down and even lighter …
Classic glass and in an eight weight 7’6″ package… Cabelas must have been listening…
The best fly reel I ever had was a no-name cheapie I bought from a tackle shop in the UK. It was mainly carbon fibre with a bit of allow but it seriously rocked and if memory serves me well if cost all of 12 quid… I’ve nearly given up finding a replacement for the …
I’m the first guy to admire and lust after great fishing gear… I mean cool rods and reels are… well, COOL! I’ve mentioned before my love affair with the Eagle Claw Trailmaster which had an enjoyment quotient far higher than its dollar value simply because it got used on a regular basis as my more …
I’d hazard a guess that 95% of the fishing done from sailboats is using surface lures but the problem is that far too often the fish tend to hang out a bit deeper… One way to get off the surface is to use a lure that is designed to work below the surface. Most of …
I like fishing… It is hardly surprising that the gear on “So It Goes” is as much about enjoyment as it is about catching dinner. So, at any given time you will most likely find the following fishing gear aboard: Hand lines do the heavy lifting, so to speak, and pretty much any time we …